Basic parameters of adv
Number of ads: |
77192 |
Date: |
11.03.2025 |
Type of ad: |
New building |
Area: |
90 m2 |
Renovation: |
Full Repair |
Floor: |
7 / 7 |
Rooms: |
3 |
Gas in building: |
Documents: |
Bill of sale |
Price With AZN: |
147 000 |
Price With $: |
inf $ |
General Information
Tam əşyalı,texnikalı,mebelli mənzil. Təmirə,texnikaya,mebellə 2 il rəsmi zəmanət.mənzil özümüzdü,yaşayış olmayıb
Region: |
Absheron district |
Location: |
Masazir settlement |
Adress |
Abşeron Sity yaşayış kompleksi |
Subway nearby: |
20 Yanvar |
Communication way
Please inform us about the announcement number when making a call.
Caution: Do not send an advance to anyone without inspecting the real estate.
Other indicators of adv
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